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Faith, Family, & Friendships

And the angel of the LORD appeared to him and said to him, “The LORD is with you, O mighty

Mighty Men exist to empower, encourage, and enlist others to exercise their faith in their families and friendships. Our communities need leaders, and our country needs Jesus. We believe that Godly men get forged in the crucible of confrontation. When men confront their flesh and deal with their fears, they can overcome the societal ineptitude brought on by previous failures. A man who has humbled himself before an almighty God can affect every outlet. 

Every Thursday, our men meet at the church at 6 AM to take a stand for our faith and humbly surrender to the Lord's authority in their lives. Why 6 AM? We want our men to intentionally start their day with prayer and commit a time to the Lord where they can challenge each other and grow together. Then, they will go forth and conquer the day.

If you're interested in connecting with a group of men, who will challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and encourage you to walk boldly, then join our group and start walking as a man of character, humility, and commitment.

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